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Application Process

The application for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! 

Applications to join PAMC are now being accepted and reviewed. Please submit your application by February 28th, 2025. This application will close at 11:59 PM on February 28th.  

The application process involves four parts, please complete all parts in order.

PART 1: Contact Information Form

PART 2: Student Application
This part of the application will ask students to answer the prompt "Tell PAMC staff about yourself and why you want to attend PAUSD Middle College High School." You can answer this prompt using the following formats:

•    Written evidence (250-300 words)
•    Presentation
•    Video

Please prepare your answer to the prompt prior to filling out the application as your work may not be saved. 

Part 3: Teacher Recommendation

Please email the form linked above directly to a teacher so that they may complete it.

Part 4: Interview

After PAMC staff has received Applications Parts 1-3, we will contact you to schedule an interview with our staff. The interviews are conducted over Google Meet and last around 10 minutes. These interviews provide PAMC staff with an additional opportunity to learn more about our applicants.


Palo Alto Middle College (PAMC) Admissions Process

Background: Middle College High Schools

California Education Code (§ 11300) defines Middle College High Schools in the state of California as a collaborative effort between a school district and a community college. The goal of the middle college high school is to select high-promise, underperforming students and place them in a different high school environment to provide an opportunity for student success. 

Middle College programs primarily serve students who may include one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Students with the academic potential to successfully complete college-level work and show the maturity required for an adult environment 
  • Students who have encountered barriers to success in a traditional, comprehensive high school setting
  • Students who come from families in which parent(s) or guardian(s) have not had the tradition of post-secondary education in the United States, or they will be the first person in a family to attend college
  • Students who may require a small learning environment to support social-emotional well-being
  • Students who may have socio-economic or environmental factors which have impeded their academic progress
  • Students who show commitment to community and exhibit character traits that reflect civic-mindedness and interest in positively impacting the classroom, school and/or society

Support Services at Palo Alto Middle College High School

While the Palo Alto Unified School District is committed to providing support services to meet the needs of students, not all services are available through Palo Alto Middle College High School and Foothill College. Examples may include, but are not limited to: TEAM, high school CTE and/or VAPA pathways, Social Justice Pathways and Advanced Placement coursework.

Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) should apply to PAMC to begin the application process.  The IEP team will meet to assess whether the program placement is appropriate based on the student's individual needs and will make the final determination regarding placement at PAMC.

Application Timeline (2025-2026 School Year)

September-February: PAMC Information sessions and campus tours
December: Application opens for acceptance for the following school year
February 28: Application closes. Applications are reviewed in the order received.
March: Admissions notifications shared with students
April, TBD: Mandatory Welcome Event for new students and parents/guardians
May, TBD: Mandatory PAMC Orientation for new students and parents/guardians

The PAMC Application Process

Palo Alto Middle College High School is a public school in the Palo Alto Unified School District. PAMC is a small school and capacity is limited. Admission is only open to students within the PAUSD attendance boundary. PAMC is not a private, independent study, or credit recovery school, and students do not graduate early. Submission of application does not guarantee admission. Applications are reviewed for completeness and for submission by specified deadlines. Incomplete or late applications may not be considered. 

Students interested in applying for admission to Palo Alto Middle College must complete the following steps as part of the application:

  1. Student and Parent/Guardian are required to attend a PAMC information session/campus tour
  2. Complete the Student Contact Information Form
  3. Complete the student application, including two written prompts
  4. Ask a teacher or counselor to complete the recommendation form 
  5. Participate in an interview with the PAMC staff

Applications are holistically reviewed by a team of PAMC staff members to determine potential student benefit from participation in the program. The staff considers all application components, with particular emphasis on the student's statement of interest and the teacher/counselor recommendation. Additional details such as trends in grades, student discipline records, and feedback from other PAUSD school staff may be reviewed. Student interviews are used to further assess a student's maturity, motivation, and understanding of the program's demands. 

Admission Details

The admission process at PAMC aims to create a balanced and diverse student body in accordance with the guidelines of Middle College as defined by California Ed Code. The PAMC staff reserves the right to allow for special considerations for student admission. 

Student applicants will be offered admission based on the number of open spots open for the next school year. Returning students are given priority and must express their intent to return annually. Students applying to PAMC from within the school district should complete all Gunn and Paly course registration work in January and February as admission to PAMC is not guaranteed. Students new to Palo Alto Unified School District must register through the PAUSD Registration Office before being admitted to Palo Alto Middle College High School. 

Applications are reviewed and admission is offered based on the order received. In the case of demand exceeding availability, a waitlist will be created and students will be contacted if spots become available. 

For students who are provided admission to PAMC, ongoing monitoring of student performance will be recorded by PAMC staff to ensure all students meet program expectations. Students who are unable to meet these expectations may be asked to return to the home school. 

Students not admitted to PAMC are encouraged to apply again in the future, if interested. Students can also enroll in Dual Enrollment (college credit) classes at Gunn or Paly, or register to take Community College classes as a high school student from one of the many area Community Colleges.